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48" x 120" Full Sheet GRAY Diamond Plate (choose shade)

Both grays are non-reflective

Gray Diamond Plate (choose shade)

Aluminum Diamond Plate Sheets

Glacier Gray (light)

Gunmetal Gray (dark)

Size: 48" X 120" Diamond Plate for Sale

Material: Aluminum Diamond Plate Sheet 

Embossed Thickness: .025 (little less than 1/32" thick)

Need a special piece of gray diamond plate sheeting for your garage, workshop, trailer, kitchen, or special project? We offer custom cut .025 Cosmetic Grade Gray Diamond Plate Sheets in any size up to 48" x 120" (4 feet by 10 feet). This cosmetic grade embossed grey sheet metal works great for wainscoting, do it yourself trim and anything else you would like to protect or cover with this easy to work with diamond plate sheet product. Please call with any special cut or large quantity orders. We are happy to provide your custom cuts and have great discounts on multiple item orders. Be sure to check out our other painted aluminum diamond plate sheets! Black, Red, white and other diamond plate goes great with either gray diamond plate shades!

Gray Diamond Plate Sheet Installation: Diamond Plate installation is easy using a heavy duty contractors adhesive or self-tapping screws. Diamond plate sheets are easy to install and look great. For more aluminum diamond plate installation tips, check out our diamond plate installation videos, and don't forget our great ideas gallery, where you may just find the perfect use for your new diamond plate sheets.

Lamina de aluminio antiderrapante

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